MAF’s Vision   

To see isolated people changed by the love of Christ

MAF’s Mission

Serving together to bring help, hope and healing through aviation

A Liberian road, carved up by heavy lorries during the wet season
Katie Machell

MAF in Liberia

MAF began flying in Liberia in 2015 and serves around 80 NGOs and mission groups, as well as the many local churches already working to bring hope to Liberia's poorest communities in remote locations.

Organisations, whose staff spent long hours and days travelling to reach  remote locations, express enthusiasm for MAF’s services. This has resulted in four regular shuttle flights, in particular to the south-east of the country.

One of the highest priorities for the programme is to build capacity of MAF in Liberia so that the team can meet the high demand for flights and support the expansion of the ministry within country and also into neighbouring countries.  

Medevac patient
Photo: Dave Forney

Fact File: Liberia

  • Liberia means ‘Land of the Free’ in Latin
  • The 14‐year civil war, which ended in 2003, claimed more than 250,000 lives and left the country in economic ruin
  • According to Operation World, around 75% of the population survive on less that $1USD per day 
  • Liberia was founded as a Christian state, but with no state church  
  • The terrible impact of the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic is likely to be felt for many years to come
The challenges of overland travel on the dirt roads of Liberia
Katie Machell
On the road in Liberia