Dr. Sterman Toussaint Director for Clinical Services and Director for Medical Education with Partners in Health
Photograph: Rachel Gwole

Partners in Health is changing lives in Liberia and raising the level of care in hospitals, thanks to MAF flights that help them to serve the most remote areas.

Sterman Toussaint knows that some of the most routine cases can become a matter of life and death if not treated properly.

The experienced surgeon working for the Maryland County Health Team in Liberia also serves as Director for Clinical Services and Director for Medical Education with Partners in Health, an international organisation that works to bring high-quality healthcare to those who need it most.

"Surgery is a vital part of primary care. If surgical issues, like hernias, are not addressed, they can become life-threatening. For instance, an untreated hernia can become incarcerated, potentially leading to the loss of a child's life," Dr Toussaint explains.

By working with Partners in Health (PIH), MAF flights help isolated communities achieve universal healthcare, which makes a powerful difference in young lives.

Dr. Sterman Toussaint Director for Clinical Services and Director for Medical Education with Partners in Health and his team during operation time
Photograph: Rachel Gwole
Dr Sterman Toussaint and his operation staff.

“We fixed a hernia in a three-year-old pediatric patient. The right hernia, which we saw in the pediatric clinic, involved an abdominal bowel extended through the scrotum what we call a 'hernia tummy.' We ensured that the space was closed so the hernia wouldn't reoccur,” he says.

MAF's support is particularly crucial given the challenging road conditions in Maryland County, especially during the rainy season.

“Some of the equipment we use to save lives is too sensitive to transport by road. MAF ensures these vital tools reach us safely,” Dr Toussaint explains.

Dr. Sterman Toussaint Director for Clinical Services and Director for Medical Education with Partners in Health after a hernia operation  with a three years old boy
Photograph: Rachel Gwole
Dr Sterman Toussaint, of Partners in Health, after a hernia operation of a three-year-old boy

“In emergencies, MAF's ability to transport patients and medical personnel quickly is invaluable. A journey that takes 24 to 48 hours by road can be reduced to just one hour and thirty minutes by air.

“Health is a human right, and everyone deserves access to care. MAF's support allows us to uphold this right, bringing essential medical services to those who need them most.”

Dr Toussaint's experience with PIH has equipped him well for working in remote areas like Maryland County.

“For the past 12 years, including ten years in Haiti, I have provided care in remote places. PIH's mission to deliver universal health coverage is based on compassion, addressing the suffering of those without access to services. Seeing patients come to the hospital in distress and leave happy is the greatest reward,” he says.

Health is a human right... MAF's support allows us to uphold this right.
Dr Sterman Toussaint, Director for Clinical Services with Partners in Health Liberia.

MAF's partnership extends beyond transportation of PIH staff. Flights from the capital also play a vital role in maintaining essential medical equipment.

“When our biomedical equipment breaks down, we can quickly bring a technician from Monrovia to Harper, thanks to MAF,” says Dr Toussaint.

He praises MAF's flexibility and understanding of the healthcare sector's urgent needs.

“MAF understands our emergencies and supports us without delay. Even on short notice, they can transport passengers and medications to Harper, ensuring we provide timely care to our patients,” he adds.