Theophilus James registered nurse anaesthetist JJ Dossen Hospital /Partners in Health
Photographer Rachel Gwole

A dedicated nurse anaesthetist with Partners in Health, which is supported by MAF flights, shares the challenges faced at JJ Dossen Hospital, the only referral hospital in Harper.

Theophilus James shares what it means to be part of a team that can bring hope and healing in the most desperate situations.

“Patients are sometimes referred from Grand Kru County, almost at the point of death,” he says. “When such a patient is rushed into the theatre, our team works tirelessly, and with the help of God, we often manage to save lives. These moments bring us immense joy and satisfaction.”

Theophilus is a registered nurse anaesthetist assigned to the operating theatre at JJ Dossen Hospital/ Partners in Health in Harper, Maryland County. This facility features two operating theatres where a skilled surgical team works diligently to save lives and improve patient outcomes.

But its remote location means that MAF flights from the capital Monrovia play an essential part in helping the health facility to continue to provide a high level of care.

“When such a patient is rushed into the theatre, our team works tirelessly, and with the help of God, we often manage to save lives. These moments bring us immense joy and satisfaction.”
Theophilus James registered nurse anaesthetist JJ Dossen / Partners in Health

“Our surgical team is composed of various essential roles,” he says. 

“We have the surgeon who performs the surgery, the assistant surgeon who assists during the procedure, scrub nurses, and circulating nurses. 

“Nurse anaesthetists like myself are responsible for putting patients to sleep or numbing specific parts of their bodies so they don't feel pain during surgery. We also manage their pain throughout the procedure.”

Working in the southeast region, where journeys by road can be long and difficult, comes with its own set of challenges. 

“Partners in Health faces difficulties in getting goods and services to Harper,” he says. 

Maryland County Road
Photographer Rachel Gwole
Southeast, Maryland County Road

“Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has been incredibly helpful in transporting most of our supplies. Road travel often causes delays, so we appreciate MAF's support in ensuring timely delivery of essential goods and patient supplies.”

Patients travel a long way to access quality health care at JJ Dossen Hospital, where elective procedures are done on Tuesdays and Thursdays 

“The number of cases depends on the patient load. We conduct thorough laboratory investigations before surgery,” Theophilus says.

“We can handle emergencies anytime. For example, today we had an emergency case. Our team is always ready to respond swiftly to such situations.”

Surgical Team JJ Dossen / PIH
Photographer Rachel Gwole
Surgical Team JJ Dossen / PIH

He says the teamwork at the hospital, supported by MAF flights, makes a difference to the lives of people in the isolated community.

“Being part of the surgical team and having the opportunity to save lives and improve the health of our community makes every challenge worthwhile," he adds.

Being part of the surgical team and having the opportunity to save lives and improve the health of our community makes every challenge worthwhile
Theophlius James registered nurse anaesthetist